Time Line

Timeline part 1

So a few weeks ago I got the idea that I wanted a timeline of my teaching. I went to my files and found some of my class pictures and thought, I know where the rest of them must be. I went home, found a few more feeling more discouraged than excited. So many of my pictures were such a mess. I had no organization and pictures were everywhere...total mess!!

So in my pursuit I went to my parents' home to see if any of my pictures were there. I went through a drawer and found many treasures of trash including a two dollar gift certificate I planned to give to someone to a video store! Amazing enough, the store is still open and I plan on redeeming that certificate. I probably can still rent a video for two dollars.

I digress, I still didn't find my class pictures from the missing years...so frustrating.

So today, I went back to my parents to look through my childhood box, and to my surprise I found two more class pictures from my early teaching days. It wasn't all my pictures, but I felt happy knowing I had a little more history to add to my timeline.

Bonus surprise!! I found all the letters my mom kept for me while I was a missionary for my church! These were all the letters people sent to me over the 1 and 1/2 years I was in Argentina. I was so happy to see these letters. Tears flooded as I poured over the pages, beautiful history of my friends and family. All these years I have given grief to my mom and dad for all the "junk" they have kept around. I felt so grateful that a little history was preserved from 17 years ago.
These are the pictures of my timeline. The first photo is me in first grade! I am missing 97-98, 06-07 and 07-08. Maybe they will show up with some other treasures I have kept throughout the years.

Timeline part 2


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