Sub Plans for These Days

Besides Friday I have had 2 other kids go home sick...not a good sign if you are a teacher.
I didn't think too much of it until...I woke up at 2 in the morning all sick and dying. I guess I didn't just win the first puke of the year award, I am the first teacher to catch the bug. We have only been in school 6 days! Looks like I have all the luck!  I called a sub at 6:30, because I thought I might feel better...haha. Then I wrote some plans...luckily I keep all my plans on OneDrive and was able to modify some older plans to fit today. I sent them over to my team teacher and crawled back in bed. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Here's hoping I don't have to write another day of plans for tomorrow.


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