Teacher tired

Wow! This year has just begun, and boy am I tired! So much work getting a new class ready and talking so much the first few days. We have only had three early our days so far and I feel so, so, so tired...
Really amazing week so far...rules went so well, I could just look at a kid and say that is not respecting others and voila! Rules followed! Seriously so much easier, and to prepare them for procedures of different places I would say, "this is how you follow this rule!" "At the rug, we do this to follow this rule,"  and so forth.
So Friday I won the first puke of the year award...so not the award to win, but someone has to do it!😝Poor guy, he raised his hand as he was puking because I was teaching math...I was like in an emergency just find the garbage, por favor! The poor thing, trying to be so good while puking everywhere. I ran him down to the office, and the amazing thing was my class didn't go nuts...now I know it is only the third day, but wow!! No one out of their seat, no one going bonkers, or playing around. AhMaZing!!! Even more amazing was that they paid attention during math while the custodian cleaned up the rotten chunks of gunk. Don't want to get too excited yet, but I think I got a great little bunch! Yippee!!!


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