Why I decided not to do guided math

Math Tasks vs. Guided Math

So I get it, all the new craze is guided math with your kiddos in school. Well I am going to tell you why I won't and don't do guided math. The results won't be as great as you might think. You are doing all the work to get the stations ready, to provide individualized education in math. Well I am here to say that I am done with all that work! The kids can do it!
I have moved to doing math tasks every single day of math instruction! Yes! Every single day! I now make the students do the work. Find the tools, do the reading, do the drawings the pictures and the writing. I am now giving them a real world problem that they need to solve. These are low entry, yet high ceiling type problems. The kids LOVE them. They can't wait for math. They are so engaged and involved. And even BETTER, their reading is improving at a faster rate!!
So what does this look like? We read a story together that relates to my math problem. Now by a story I mean two to three sentences. They then activate their minds by talking with a partner about what they are thinking or wondering. They know the problem relates to math so even though I purposely leave out numbers, they wonder what numbers will be in the problem later. We share with a partner and then we use some talk moves strategies as I call on some students. Then I pass out the problem. We get our names and dates on the paper and we get started. We read the problem and then I ask tables to select the math tools they want to use to solve the problem. Then the real work starts. They begin to draw write and solve the problem. They begin to work and eventually they share with their partner or table and always a few students will be called up to share with the class. What is great is that I use open ended problems or problems that can challenge even the greatest of math students, yet can be solved by a student that may otherwise struggle in math. The results are priceless. Just check them out. 

Look at all their work!
So impressed by the different answers they came up with!
They even spelled forest and cave right on their labels!
I get it 9 is not P, but this is my lowest reading student in my class!
I love that there are so many ways to solve!


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