Math Tools

Math Tools
I am sure that you have some math tools hanging out around your school and classroom. I know my old school had a ton. Too many, so I thought...That was because I kept them in a cupboard hidden away from my littles and divided them up each time we needed them for math. Well, this year it has all changed. I got a couple of bookshelves, also lying around our school and filled them up. I now put my students in charge of the math tools. No more spending recess dividing up counters, filling tubs with cubes and making sure each kid has the right amount. I let them do it. Now I know, if you are anything like me, (control freak) giving a bunch of six year olds free reign of the math tools might give you a headache. But, actually I found it freeing. I now let them decide (and do the learning) in finding the right math tool. The kids are called up one table at a time and they can select the tools they want to use in math. I have small cups, small containers and they have at it. It is so nice to see them in charge of their learning. I am no longer spending my lunch separating tools and making sure they have the right ones. They do it and they love it. They can hardly wait for math, even when they take an assessment!! Now that is a win!


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